Wilson Carraway
Wilson Carraway
Full Name:  Franklin Wilson Carraway

Legacy Bricks:  Legacy Walk Map Link
   1984 Moore-Stone Award HOF - Loc 65

FSU Career
Moore-Stone Award


Member of the FSU Hall of Fame
Elected into the FSU Hall of Fame in 1984
The Florida State University Athletic Department presents the Moore-Stone Award for outstanding service to Florida State athletics to the late Wilson Carraway. Senator Carraway guided the bill through the legislature that created Florida State University. He also took the lead in bringing athletic competition between Florida State and the University of Florida. Furthermore, Senator Carraway led the fight to increase the size Campbell Stadium so as to make possible home and home grid competition between FSU and Florida. The phenomenal growth of both academics and athletics at Florida State University was due in great part to the efforts of citizens such as Wilson Carraway.

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