Dr. Coyle E. Moore
Dr. Coyle E. Moore
Full Name:  Dr. Coyle E. Moore

Legacy Bricks:  Legacy Walk Map Link
   1977 Adminsitrator HOF - Loc 39

FSU Career
Coaches & Administrators


Member of the FSU Hall of Fame
Elected into the FSU Hall of Fame in 1977
Dr. Coyle E. Moore was actively involved in Florida State sports programs for almost 50 years. From 1928 to 1947, the sociology professor supported sports at FSCW. When FSU was established, Dr. Moore, Dean of the School of Social Welfare from 1949 to 1968, became engaged in the creation of a diversified program of intercollegiate competition. He served for years on the Athletic Committee and was a major force in efforts to enlarge Doak Campbell Stadium. The school's athletic field house was named the Moore Athletic Center in his honor, and it carries the name today. In addition, the Moore-Stone Award, given annually by the Hall of Fame Committee, is named after Dr. Moore and Dr. Mode Stone. The Moore family trust continues to recognize outstanding FSU football teams with a bronze plaque.

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