Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Full Name:  James C. Smith

Legacy Bricks:  Legacy Walk Map Link
   2004 Moore-Stone Award HOF - Loc 49

FSU Career
Moore-Stone Award


Member of the FSU Hall of Fame
Elected into the FSU Hall of Fame in 2004
Jim Smith has held many positions in Florida Government including Secretary of State, Chief of Staff for the Governor, Attorney General, member of the Board of Regents and currently Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Florida State University. But the position that we like most is supporter and friend of the Florida State Seminoles.

Jim arrived at Florida State in 1958 and tried out for the basketball team. He pledged the ATO fraternity with the encouragement of senior starter Jim Savage. Savage also did him another favor by introducing him to his cousin, Carole Clark. Jim and Carole later married and Smith went on to attend law school at Stetson.

Jim was on the fast track at the Department of State and eventually landed as an executive assistant to his friend Governor Reubin Askew. Even while building his agricultural business, a law practice, a political career and a family, Jim stayed very active to Florida State Athletics. He became disturbed by the decline in support for the football team. With only 10,000 fans in the stands, Smith felt it was time to take action. He approached President Stan Marshall and tactfully broached the subject of finding funding to bring in a new coach. The money was raised and several potential candidates came in for a visit. The coach that won the job and hearts of Seminole fans was, of course, Bobby Bowden. Needless to say, the rest is history.

Jim and Carole have continued to support Florida State University in many ways. They have always known and understood the important relationship athletics has served in the development of the university. Jim has served as President of the FSU National Alumni Association, and among his many awards he has received ODK's Grads Made Good Award, FSU's Bernie Sliger Award and an honorary degree of Humane Letters from FSU.

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