Edwin White
Edwin White
Full Name:  J. Edwin White

Legacy Bricks:  Legacy Walk Map Link
   1983 Moore-Stone Award HOF - Loc 54

FSU Career
Moore-Stone Award


Member of the FSU Hall of Fame
Elected into the FSU Hall of Fame in 1983
The Florida State University Athletic Department Presents the Moore-Stone Award for Outstanding Service to Florida State Athletics to J. Edwin White.

Born in Kentucky, Mr. White moved to Tallahassee in 1911 and resided there until his death on March 2, 1983. A prominent banker, Mr. White was deeply involved in civic and charitable work in Tallahassee. A life-long supporter of Florida State College for Women and Florida State University, he was a great friend of FSU football. His special interest was Florida State baseball and the Seminoles' great success in that sport has been due in no small part to the generosity of Mr. White. Seminoles everywhere thank him for his steadfast support and mourn his passing.

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